
how to write yu ce(prediction) in chinese

pinyinyù cè
eanglish meaningprediction; forecast; project; calculate; prognosis; scenario; divination; divine

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "预" (yu)     detail about chinese character 预
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "测" (ce)     detail about chinese character 测


Try writing this chinese words 预测 online

Basic explanations

1.  预测日蚀
calculate an eclipse of the sun;

2.  预测台风
detect a typhoon;

3.  作无把握的预测
hazard a forecast;

4.  (股票)行情预测
stock-market farecasting;

5.  商情预测
business forecast;

6.  对可能发生的事作出相当准确的预测
give a fairly accurate forecast of what may happen;

7.  统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法。
Statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast.

Words with the chinese character yu ce(预测)
