
how to write fei teng(ebullition) in chinese

pinyinfèi téng
eanglish meaningebullition; ebullience; elixation; boil; seethe with excitement; bring to the boil comes to the boil; seething

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "沸" (fei)     detail about chinese character 沸
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "腾" (teng)     detail about chinese character 腾


Try writing this chinese words 沸腾 online

Basic explanations

1.  沸腾而溢出
boil over;

2.  使水壶里的水保持沸腾
Keep the kettle at the boil.

3.  水在100℃时沸腾
Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.

1.  热血沸腾
one's blood boils

Words with the chinese character fei teng(沸腾)
