
how to write ting liu(stop) in chinese

pinyintíng liú
eanglish meaningstop; remain; stopover; stay for a time; abided; perch; outstand

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "停" (ting)     detail about chinese character 停
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "留" (liu)     detail about chinese character 留


Try writing this chinese words 停留 online

Basic explanations

1.  在北京停留一周
stay in Beijing for a week;

2.  在南京作短暂停留
have a brief stopover in Nanjing;

3.  由于发大水, 许多开车旅游的人被迫停留在那个镇上了。
Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods.

4.  人类对自然界的认识在不断发展, 永远不会停留在一个水平上。
Man's understanding of nature is developing all the time, it never remains at the same level.

Words with the chinese character ting liu(停留)

停留时间   停留