
how to write dian xing(typical) in chinese

pinyindiǎn xíng
eanglish meaningtypical; example; model; type; study; typical example; typical case; archetype; epitome; poster child; exemplar; quintessence; personification; poster girl; ne plus

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "典" (dian)     detail about chinese character 典
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "型" (xing)     detail about chinese character 型


Try writing this chinese words 典型 online

Basic explanations

1.  典型示范
demonstrate with typical examples;

2.  完美的典型
a model of perfection;

3.  树先进典型
set examples of advanced individuals;

4.  他是个智勇双全的典型
He gave an example of bravery and wisdom.

1.  典型的现代少女
the typical modern girl;

2.  一个典型的中国城市
a representative Chinese city;

3.  这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。
This painting is a typical Rembrandt.

Words with the chinese character dian xing(典型)
