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how to write wa jue(excavate) in chinese
eanglish meaningexcavate; dig; tap; dredge; unearth; exhume; burrow
eanglish meaningexcavate; dig; tap; dredge; unearth; exhume; burrow
Stroke order of the Chinese words "挖" (wa) detail about chinese character 挖
Stroke order of the Chinese words "掘" (jue) detail about chinese character 掘
Basic explanations
1. 挖掘被掩埋的城市
excavate a buried city;
2. 挖掘地下宝藏
unearth buried treasure;
3. 挖掘古物
excavate ancient relics;
4. 挖掘潜力
tap existing potential; tap the latent power; tap the potential;
5. 挖掘坑道
sap a gallery