
how to write jin xing(have) in chinese

pinyinjìn xíng
eanglish meaninghave; carry on; conduct; be in progress; run; proceed; go on; did; prosecution; be underway; enact; put up; go ahead; pursuance

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "进" (jin)     detail about chinese character 进
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "行" (xing)     detail about chinese character 行


Try writing this chinese words 进行 online

Basic explanations

1.  进行调查
make an investigation;

2.  进行辩论
enter into a debate;

3.  进行表决
put a question to the vote;

4.  进行投机倒把
engage in speculation and profiteering;

5.  进行报复
make reprisals;

6.  进行正面教育
educate by using positive examples;

7.  会议的准备工作正在进行
Preparations for the meeting are in progress.

1.  进行核试验
conduct a nuclear test;

2.  进行坚决斗争
wage a resolute struggle;

3.  进行攻讦
rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds

Words with the chinese character jin xing(进行)
