
how to write yin ci(therefore) in chinese

pinyinyīn cǐ
eanglish meaningtherefore; so that; so; thus; accordingly; as a result; hence; as a consequence; consequently; thereby; for this reason; thereupon; ergo; then

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "因" (yin)     detail about chinese character 因
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "此" (ci)     detail about chinese character 此


Try writing this chinese words 因此 online

Basic explanations

1.  电子非常轻,因此在原子量中甚至没有计算它。
Electrons weigh very little, so they aren't even counted in the atomic weight.

2.  天下雨, 足球赛因此而延期了。
It rained and therefore the football match was postponed.

Words with the chinese character yin ci(因此)
