
how to write qi wei(smell) in chinese

pinyinqì wèi
eanglish meaningsmell; odor; scent; odour; flavor; flavour; smack

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "气" (qi)     detail about chinese character 气
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "味" (wei)     detail about chinese character 味


Try writing this chinese words 气味 online

Basic explanations

1.  气味不好
smell; smelly; fishy;

2.  令人作呕的气味
a sickly smell;

3.  难闻的气味
an awful smell; an awful odour; a shickish odour;

4.  闻一闻牛奶的气味
take a smell at [of] the milk;

5.  我喜欢新烘咖啡豆的清香气味
I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans.

6.  气味我受不了。
I can't bear this scent.

1.  没有一点社会主义的气味
without a trait of socialist character;

2.  我认为他是一个最没有学术气味的人。
I'd say he is a man who has the least tincture of learning.

Words with the chinese character qi wei(气味)
