
how to write bu ju(layout) in chinese

pinyinbù jú
eanglish meaninglayout; design; distribution; configuration; plot; overall arrangement; geographical layout; composition of a picture, essay,etc.; position of pieces on a che

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Try writing this chinese words 布局 online

Basic explanations

1.  国民经济的布局
layout of national economy;

2.  工业的合理布局
rational distribution of industry;

3.  布局新奇。
The plot is novel.

4.  这张图展示了工厂的布局
This map shows the layout of the plant.

5.  我市的学校[教育]布局受到了批评。
The distribusion of schools in our city has been criticized.

6.  我们一定要建成布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。
We are determined to set up a complete, rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.

1.  这幅画色彩鲜明,但布局蹩脚。
This painting has vivid colours but poor composition.

Words with the chinese character bu ju(布局)

布局   布局合理