
how to write pi(write instructions or comments on) in chinese

radicalsStroke count7
eanglish meaningwrite instructions or comments on; criticize; refute; slap; wholesale; fibres of cotton, flax, etc. ready to be drawn and twisted; batch; lot; group

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "批" (pi)


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Basic explanations

v. (在下级的文件上写下意见) write instructions or comments on (a report from a subordinate, etc.):

1.  文件
write instructions on documents

v. (批判; 批评) criticize; refute:

be criticized

v. [书] (用手掌打) slap:

slap sb.'s face; box sb.'s ear

adv. (大量买卖货物) wholesale:

buy goods wholesale; buy at wholesale

n. [口] (棉、麻等未捻成线、绳时的细条) fibres of cotton, flax, etc. ready to be drawn and twisted


(用于货物和人) batch; lot; group:

1.  出动大飞机
dispatch wave after wave of planes;

2.  新到的一化肥
a new lot of chemical fertilizer;

3.  货物
a batch of goods;

4.  我有一信要回复。
I have a batch of letters to answer.

5.  学生要求见校长。
A group of students asked to see the principal.

Words with the chinese character pi(批)

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