
how to write dou(shake) in chinese

radicalsStroke count7
eanglish meaningshake; tremble; shiver; quiver

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "抖" (dou)


Try writing this character 抖 online

Basic explanations

v. (颤动;哆嗦) tremble; shiver; quiver:

1.  冷得全身发
shiver all over with cold;

2.  气 [吓; 冷]得发
tremble with anger [fright; cold];

3.  浑身发
be all of a dither;

4.  树叶在微风中动。
The leaves tremble in the breeze.

5.  她激动得声音发
Her voice quivered with agitation.

v. (振动; 甩动) shake; jerk:

1.  掉根部的泥土
shake the earth away from the roots;

2.  开桌布
shake out a tablecloth;

3.  缰绳
give the reins a jerk;

4.  他把衣服上的雨水掉。
He shook the rain off his clothes.

v. (振作; 鼓起精神) rouse; stir up:

1.  起精神
pluck up one's spirits

v. (多含讥讽意: 得意) get on in the world:

1.  这下子他可起来了。
This time he has made good.

Words with the chinese character dou(抖)