
how to write penɡ(bang) in chinese

radicalsStroke count10
eanglish meaningbang; pop; thump; thunder; zap

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "砰" (penɡ)


Try writing this character 砰 online

Basic explanations

(形容撞击或重物落地的声音) bang; thump; thunder; zap:

1.  地敲门
thump at the door;

2.  的一声,门关上了。
The door banged shut.

3.  的一声,木板倒下来了。
The plank fell on the ground with a thump.

4.  他把椅子往墙上地一摔。
He banged the chair against the wall.

5.  ! 你这断子绝孙的!
Zap! You're sterile.

6.  有人在地擂门。
Someone is thundering at the door.

Words with the chinese character penɡ(砰)