
how to write ɡonɡ(cup one hand in the other before the chest) in chinese

radicalsStroke count9
eanglish meaningcup one hand in the other before the chest; encircle; surround; arch

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "拱" (ɡonɡ)


Try writing this character 拱 online

Basic explanations

v. (两手相合,臂的前部上举) cup one hand in the other before the chest:

take leave by saluting with both hands folded and raised in front

v. (环绕) encircle; surround:

1.  四山环的大湖
a great lake surrounded by mountains;

2.  众星月。
A myriad of stars surround the moon.

v. (肢体弯曲成弧形) arch; hump:

1.  着腰
arch one's back

v. (用身体撞动物体)push without using one's hands:

1.  用身子开了大门
push open the door with one's body

v. (用身体拨开土地等) (of pigs, etc.) dig earth with the snout; (of earthworms, etc.) wriggle through the earth:

1.  猪用嘴地。
Pigs dig earth with the snout.

v. (植物生长, 从土里向外钻或顶) sprout up through the earth:

1.  苗儿出土了。
The young shoots have pushed the soil up.

n. (建筑物成弧形的) arch:

1.  虹式
rainbow arch;

circular arch

n. (姓氏) a surname:

1.  廷臣
Gong Tingchen

Words with the chinese character ɡonɡ(拱)