
how to write ɡua(scrape) in chinese

radicalsStroke count8
eanglish meaningscrape; shave; blow; plane; smear with

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "刮" (ɡua)


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Basic explanations

v. (用剃刀剃去) shave:

1.  胡子
shave one's whiskers [beard]

v. (去掉表面粘附的或多余的物质) scrape:

1.  锅子
scrape a pot clean;

2.  鱼鳞
scale a fish; scrape scales off a fish;

3.  油漆
scrape off the paint

v. (使光滑、平坦) plane:

1.  木头
plane wood

v. (在物体表面上涂抹) smear with (paste, etc.):

1.  糨子
smear paste over cloth; stiffen (cloth) by spreading paste over it

v. (搜刮) fleece; extort; plunder:

1.  人钱财
fleece sb. of his money or wealth;

2.  从农民身上来的财富
the wealth extorted from the peasants

v. (吹) blow:

1.  开了。
The door blew open.

2.  什么风把你来了?
What have brought you here?

Words with the chinese character ɡua(刮)