
how to write shu(transport) in chinese

radicalsStroke count13
eanglish meaningtransport; convey; donate; contribute money

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "输" (shu)


Try writing this character 输 online

Basic explanations

v. (运输; 运送) transport; convey:

1.  把电往每家每户
carry electricity to every home;

2.  卡车把货物往边疆地区。
Commodities are transported to border areas by truck.

3.  油管把原油从油田直接往港口。
The pipeline carries crude oil direct from the oil field to the harbour.

v. [书](捐献) contribute money; donate:

1.  慷慨
make liberal contributions

v. (失败) lose; be beaten; be defeated:

1.  了一局
lose one game in the set;

2.  他认了。
He admitted himself beaten.

3.  我运气不好, 打牌总是
I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.

n. (姓氏) a surname:

1.  子阳
Shu Ziyang

Words with the chinese character shu(输)
