
how to write yinɡ(win) in chinese

radicalsStroke count17
eanglish meaningwin; beat; gain; trump

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "赢" (yinɡ)


Try writing this character 赢 online

Basic explanations

v. (胜) win; beat:

1.  我队以8比3了那场足球赛。
In the football game we won by 8 points to 3.

2.  我们以15比2的悬殊比分了第一局。
We won the first game by a lop-sided score of 15 to 2.

3.  我象棋下不他。
I can't beat him at Chinese chess.

4.  这场比赛谁了?
Who won the game?

v. (获利) gain (profit)


Words with the chinese character yinɡ(赢)