
how to write honɡ(bang) in chinese

radicalsStroke count8
eanglish meaningbang; boom; rumble; bombard; explode; shoo away

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "轰" (honɡ)


Try writing this character 轰 online

Basic explanations

(指雷、炮击等发出的巨大声音) bang; boom:

1.  !!! 一连串爆破声震撼山谷。
Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions shook the valley.

2.  我们听到的一声炮响。
We heard the bang of a cannon.

v. (雷鸣; 轰击; 爆炸) rumble; bombard; explode:

1.  万炮齐
ten thousand cannons booming;

2.  电闪。
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed.

v. (赶; 驱逐) shoo away; drive off:

1.  麻雀
shoo away the sparrows;

2.  下台
hoot sb. off the platform; oust sb. from office or power;

3.  把他出去。
Throw him out.

Words with the chinese character honɡ(轰)