
how to write ba(dig up) in chinese

radicalsStroke count5
eanglish meaningdig up; pull down; rake; hold on to; gather up; rake up; pick; pilfer

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "扒" (ba)


Try writing this character 扒 online

Basic explanations

v. (刨; 挖; 拆) dig up; pull down; rake:

1.  树根
dig up the root of a tree;

2.  旧房
pull down an old house;

rake earth;

4.  把埋在雪里的木板出来
dig out the planks buried under the snow

v. (抓着可依附的东西; 攀援) hold on to; cling to:

1.  窗台
hold on to the windowsill

v. (拨动) push aside:

1.  开草丛
push aside a thick growth of grass

v. (脱掉; 剥) strip off; take off:

1.  狗皮
skin a dog;

2.  他把鞋袜一, 光着脚趟水。
Taking off his shoes and socks, he waded across barefoot.

Words with the chinese character ba(扒)