
how to write tuo(drag) in chinese

radicalsStroke count8
eanglish meaningdrag; tow; pull; haul; draw; tug; heave

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "拖" (tuo)


Try writing this character 拖 online

Basic explanations

v. (拉着物体使移动) pull; drag; draw; haul:

1.  网捕鱼
drag [haul] a net in fishing;

2.  住敌人
pin down the enemy;

3.  把身体
wear oneself down;

4.  他冲进房间把我从床上起来。
He rushed into the room and pulled me out of bed.

5.  他们把他从河里上来。
They hauled him out of the river.

6.  着疲倦的步子慢慢地走着。
He dragged his tired feet slowly along.

7.  船把坏了的船进港口。
The tugboat towed the damaged ship into port.

v. (用拖把擦洗) mop:

1.  地板
mop the floor

v. (在身后耷拉着) trail:

1.  着一根长辫子
wear a long pigtail;

2.  她的长裙在地板上。
Her long skirt was trailing along the floor.

v. (拖延) delay; prolong; procrastinate; drag on:

1.  不要再了。
Don't delay any more.

2.  会议一直到晚上。
The meeting was prolonged into the evening.

3.  今天能做的不要到明天。
Don't put off today's work till tomorrow.

4.  谈判一直到7月份。
The negotiation dragged on until July.

Words with the chinese character tuo(拖)

    家带口     拉机