
how to write ma(Well) in chinese

radicalsStroke count14
eanglish meaningWell; indicating that sth. is obvious; expressing a hope or giving advice; used to form a pause in a sentence, calling listener\'s attention

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "嘛" (ma)


Try writing this character 嘛 online

Basic explanations


1.  有意见就提!
Make a criticism [comment, suggestion] if you want!

2.  这也不能怪他, 头一回做
He's not to blame. After all, it was the first time he'd done it.

3.  这样做就是不对!
Of course it was acting improperly.

(用在句子停顿处, 唤起对下文的注意):

1.  , 就不用亲自去了。
As for you, I don't think you have to go in person.

Words with the chinese character ma(嘛)
