
how to write da(build) in chinese

radicalsStroke count12
eanglish meaningbuild; pitch; put up; make up; hang over; put over

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "搭" (da)


Try writing this character 搭 online

Basic explanations

v. (支; 架设) put up; build:

1.  浮桥
put up a pontoon bridge;

2.  临时戏台
put up a temporary theatrical stage;

3.  帐篷
pitch a tent;

4.  小鸟们在忙着窝。
The birds are busy building their nests.

v. (把柔软的东西放在可以支架的东西上) hang over; put over:

1.  把洗好的衣服在竹竿上
hang the washing on a bamboo pole;

2.  他肩膀上着一块毛巾。
He had a towel over his shoulder.

v. (连接在一起) come into contact; join:

1.  上关系
strike up a relationship with; establish contact with;

2.  前言不后语
speak incoherently; mumble disconnected phrases;

3.  那两根电线上了。
The two wires are touching.

v. (凑上;加上) throw in more (people, money, etc.); add:

1.  你忙不过来, 给你个人吧。
You're terribly busy. We'll send someone to help you.

2.  这笔钱上还不够。
It won't be enough even with this sum thrown in.

v. (共同抬起) lift sth. together:

1.  帮我把这个箱子到桌子上。
Help me lift the chest up on the table.

2.  请把桌子到楼上去。
Please carry the desk upstairs.

v. (乘; 坐) take (a ship, plane, etc.); travel [go] by:

1.  长途汽车
travel by coach;

2.  飞机
go by plane;

3.  轮船去大连
go to Dalian by boat;

4.  能让我你的车到前面那个村子吗?
Could you give me a lift to the next village?

Words with the chinese character da(搭)

帐篷   架子