
how to write min(smooth with a wet brush) in chinese

radicalsStroke count8
eanglish meaningsmooth with a wet brush; close lightly; pucker; tuck; sip

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "抿" (min)


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Basic explanations

v. (用小刷子蘸水或油抹) smooth (hair, etc.) with a wet brush:

1.  头发
smooth one's hair; give one's hair a smooth

v. (稍稍合拢; 收敛) close lightly; pucker; tuck:

1.  嘴一笑
pucker in a smile;

2.  小鸟着翅膀。
The bird tucked its wings.

v. (略微喝一点) sip:

1.  一口茶
take a sip of tea

Words with the chinese character min(抿)