
how to write shao(few) in chinese

radicalsStroke count4
eanglish meaningfew; little; be short; lack; lose; be missing; seldom; a little while; a moment; young; son of a rich family; young master

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "少" (shao)


Try writing this character 少 online

Basic explanations

adj. (数量小) few; little; less:

1.  出差错
made fewer mistakes;

2.  说空话
renounce empty talk;

3.  胜多
defeat the many with the few;

4.  留下吃饭的人很
Only a few stayed for dinner.

5.  你应该喝酒。
You should drink less.

6.  9比72。
Seven is two less than nine.

7.  花钱, 多办事。
Get more done on less money.

8.  现在我工作中困难些了。
Now I meet with fewer difficulties in my work.

9.  最近我们很见到他。
We've seen very little of him lately.

v. (不够原有或应有的数目; 缺少) be short; lack:

1.  缺医
be short of doctors and medicine;

2.  一双筷子。
We still lack a pair of chopsticks.

3.  我们还两把椅子。
We've still two chairs short.

4.  我们一个好的守门员。
We lack a good goalkeeper.

5.  账算错了,一块钱。
This account is wrong; we're one yuan short.

v. (丢; 遗失) lose; be missing:

1.  看看人。
See if anyone is missing.

2.  了一本书。
One book is missing.

3.  他屋里了东西。
He had lost sth. in his house.

4.  羊群里了几只羊。
A few sheep have been lost from the flock.

5.  这里肯定了一个字。
Surely, there's a word missing here.

v. (不要) stop; quit:

1.  废话!
Stop talking rubbish!

2.  给我装蒜!
Stop pretending!

3.  来这一套。
Cut it out.; Quit that!

adv. (稀有) seldom:

seldom seen; unique; rare

adv. (暂时; 稍微) a little while; a moment:

1.  候。
Wait a moment, please.

Words with the chinese character shao(少)

林寺   数民族                     林功夫   年宫                                 胜多   成多