
how to write mo(smear) in chinese

radicalsStroke count8
eanglish meaningsmear; apply; put on; wipe; daub; plaster; turn; bypass; rub; slip sth. off

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "抹" (mo)


Try writing this character 抹 online

Basic explanations

v. (擦) rub; wipe:

1.  桌子
wipe a table clean;

2.  在手巾上
wipe one's hands on a towel

v. (用手按着向下移动) slip sth. off:

1.  下头巾
slip one's scarf off;

2.  把脸一
pull a long face; be strict with sb.

Words with the chinese character mo(抹)

  香鲸   不掉     浓妆淡   两眼一